Today is:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where do I find the actual NHRA qualifying and race results?
We suggest you visit our friends at Summit Racing's Drag Race or you can also find race results on NHRA's official website at The Fantasy Drag Racing League prefers to leave generating results to these excellent websites instead of reinventing the wheel.

What does "Division 1" listed on my team summary mean?
With the game just getting started again, everyone will be in Division 1. When Division 1 has too many teams and the odds of winning greatly decrease,
another Division may be opened. Additional Divisions may be opened after 100 teams have registered but the next Division won't be opened for just a hand-full
of additional teams.

Can I own more than one team?
Yes, multiple teams are allowed. Each team will be scored seperately and there is no advantage provided to multiple team owners other than the discounted
price for the second or third team.

How do I score bonus points?
All teams selected and time stamped before the first round of qualifying will recieve an additional 50 points and team owners that correctly select
three winners among Top Fuel, Funny Car, Pro Stock, or Pro Stock Bike will be awarded an additional Triple Winner 100 point bonus as long as their team has been locked in before the 'select your drivers' feature has been shut down one hour before Final Eliminations.

How do I Know that no one can cheat?
Making sure the game is fair is the top priority. Every time a team owner submits their drivers, the site electronically records the exact minute the team
is locked in. The 'Select your drivers' feature of the site is disabled one hour before final eliminations begin on Sunday. No teams can be submitted after that time and all team data is downloaded and securely archived. When the first pair of cars go down the track, FDRL knows exactly how many teams are selected and which drivers are on each team.

I forgot which drivers are on my team. Where can I read this information?
Team owners should ALWAYS PRINT the team summary page that lists each team name, driver selected, salary amounts, and a confirmation number generated
by the FDRL system. You will be reminded to print this page when your team is submitted. The competition director has the right to deduct 50 points from
any team owner consuming valuable time with this request.

Are my driver selections automatically saved for the next race?
No, The value of any driver who wins a NHRA race will increase by $100,000 before the next event. You may need to select different drivers to remain under
the salary limit and it only takes approximately fifteen minutes to select your team.

Can I still win if I don't have time to play during the weekend?
While it's not likely, it's possible to obtain a decent score.
By selecting your team before Friday of the weekend event and securing the 50 point pre-qualifying Bonus then hitting the Triple Winner 100 point bonus,
it may be possible to win a few races and perhaps even the Championship but there is also a higher chance of losing valuable points if one of your drivers
are bumped from their class. The purpose of the pre-qualifying and Triple Winner bonus is to allow team owners to have a chance to win when they don't
have time on a weekend to follow every qualifying session or televised race.